

We understand the importance of innovation and professionalism

The legacy of Mr. Rakesh Khurana is well executed  by Mr. Atul Khurana. We have started four new Projects in last 18+ years.

We as a company focused only on quality this make us unique and different we strips a wide range of Products started to Our Clients in different parts of worlds.

Our unwavering dedication to quality sets us apart in the industry, making us truly unique. At StrutFast LLC, we take pride in offering a wide range of high-quality products to our clients spanning across different parts of the world. Our mission is to deliver excellence with every product, ensuring that we meet and exceed the expectations of our valued customers.

With a strong foundation built on trust, integrity, and a relentless pursuit of excellence, we look forward to serving you and contributing to your success. Thank you for choosing StrutFast LLC as your partner in innovation and quality.

With a strong foundation built on trust, integrity, and a relentless pursuit of excellence, we look forward to serving you and contributing to your success. Thank you for choosing StrutFast LLC as your partner in innovation and quality.


Expertise, discipline and precision

A manufacturer of fastener products known for its expertise, discipline, and precision in crafting high-quality components for various industries. Our commitment to excellence ensures that every fastener we produce meets the most stringent standards, delivering reliable and secure solutions to our customers.

With a relentless focus on precision engineering and a deep understanding of fastener technology, we consistently provide top-notch solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients across diverse industries. Our dedication to craftsmanship and quality makes us the go-to choice for those seeking fasteners that stand the test of time, ensuring safety and efficiency in every application.


We stay current with the latest technologies

We stay current with the latest technologies, allowing us to continuously innovate and adapt our fastener products to meet evolving industry requirements. Our commitment to staying at the forefront of advancements ensures that our customers benefit from cutting-edge solutions that enhance performance, efficiency, and reliability.

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Quality Product
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Years of Experience
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Metric ton production per month
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Complete Projects

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