Industries We Serve

Industries We Serve

We provide the best services

Mechanical and Electrical

A trusted manufacturer of fastener products catering to the mechanical and electrical industries, offering durable and precision-engineered solutions for diverse assembly and connection requirements.

Oil and Gas Industry

A specialized manufacturer of fastener products tailored for the demanding needs of the oil and gas industry. Our high-performance fasteners are designed to withstand extreme conditions, ensuring safety.

Railway and Tunnel Industry

A leading manufacturer of fastener products designed specifically for the railway and tunnel industry. Our innovative solutions ensure the safety, efficiency, and longevity of railway tracks and tunnel infrastructure.

Solar Industry

A specialized manufacturer of fastener products catering to the solar industry's unique needs. Our solar fasteners are engineered for durability and reliability, ensuring secure and long-lasting installations of solar panels and support structures.

HVAC Industry

A leading manufacturer of fastener products tailored for the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) industry. Our precision-engineered fasteners are essential for secure and efficient installation of HVAC systems.


A specialized manufacturer of fastener products dedicated to the windmill industry, providing critical components for wind turbine assembly and maintenance. Our high-strength fasteners are engineered to withstand harsh environmental conditions.

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How to contact us

If you’ve got questions or ideas you would like to share, send a message. For anything more specific, please use one of the addresses listed below.

Our Location

30 N Gould St Ste R, Sheridan, WY 82801
Find Us on Map

Mobile Number

(1) 954-873-0611

Our Email

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